Tuesday, December 29, 2009


We escaped Salt Lake for a couple weeks to spend Christmas with Hanna's family in New Mexico. Hanna's work ended well, and she has thoroughly enjoyed the time she has gotten to spend with her family so far. Chris's semester is over. We'll see in mid January if it went well... Before we left Hanna made this sock monkey for baby Lewis, which was super cute.

We went on a hike with Sarah, Phil up this mountain. Since Phil was leading the hike, there wasn't actually a trail. So we climbed straight up rocks through cacti and bushes. The view was awesome.

This house had a million Christmas lights. Obviously, Sarah was very shocked by it.

Leah with baby Lewis. He normally is pretty happy....


We built gingerbread houses, and "we" means Hanna. Chris just ate the M&M's and watched the Utah game.

And it snowed, which was pretty nuts since it's New Mexico. But it was way cool and we made this rad snowman. And that's Dad's arm in the corner. He was sweeping, big surprise...